Common display mistakes to avoid in your grocery/retail store

Boosting sales in your retail store requires you to have the finest products at reasonable prices. A well-informed and customer-friendly staff is also required for it. A lot of retailers focus on these factors but ignore the product display part. Doing so often prevents you from generating the desired revenue. 

So, what do you need to do? For starters, have custom refrigerated display cases that precisely match the product lines you offer. More on that later. 

Let’s focus on other common mistakes related to retail stores.

Display of too many products

The customers get confused when they see a lot of products together. The same happens when multiple types of products are being stacked on the shelves or display cases. They can’t make up their mind on what they need to buy. Finding the right product for themselves also becomes a challenge. We are sure you don’t want this to happen. This is why we recommend you spend extra time arranging the products. If you have sufficient space and budget, get extra refrigerated display cases to avoid placing too many products together. 

Improper lighting 

Light does three jobs in a retail store. First, it creates a feeling of space. The visitors don’t feel that they are in a crowded place. Second, it accentuates the interiors of your store. Third, it allows your customers to find the product they are looking for easily. Make sure there is ample lighting in your store. If you are planning a remodel, increase the size of your windows to increase the daylight. Customers love that!

Improper signage

Does your retail store look like a maze? It may be difficult to identify as an owner or manager. But, look from the customer’s perspective to know. To ensure the visitors don’t get lost, have the proper signage. Also, include the labels on the shelves clearly to help the customers identify what they are looking at. 

Wrong display cases

As promised, we will now talk about the refrigerated display cases. More often than not, the cases you purchase aren’t meant for the products you will store. Therefore, check with the supplier what their intended use is. Try to customize the specifications of the refrigerated display cases to match your store’s needs. 

Quick Tip: For your customized refrigerated display case, get a night cover from Econofrost. It will increase your energy savings and will keep your products fresher. 

Electrically operated blinds: Why supermarkets choose them?

“I have superior quality refrigerated display cases, but my products still don’t stay fresh.” Can you relate this statement? We bet a lot of you will. Many retailers, deli owners, meat suppliers find it challenging to prevent food spoilage.

So, what’s the solution? You might ask.

Well, you can choose electric motor driven night covers.

Fresh food retailers enjoy labor savings and greater flexibility by using electrically operated thermal blinds. What separates these products from a regular night cover is that the users can set it up to open and close automatically.

It is already being used in several cold room storage areas, meat prep rooms, and a lineup of refrigerated display cases. By interconnecting multiple electrical night curtains, you can create a thermal barrier line. The length could be 100 feet or more with a separation of merely an inch between the units.

What does “electrical unit.” An electrical unit means you can connect your thermal blind unit to a motor. With a single motor, you can operate a thermal shielding of 48 feet. The team at Econofrost offer you interconnecting parts with these night covers to ensure perfect alignment of thermal blinds.

Many clients if they can use manual night cover with a motor. Well, the tubing and components of manual and electrical night cover units are different. This means interchange isn’t possible.

Talking about the sizes, you can choose from 6-foot, 4-foot, and 12-foot models, depending on your usage and store size. The vertical fabric length is 78 inches. We can custom-design longer fabric length as per your needs. A single 12-foot motor blind is capable of driving itself and three auxiliary units for an operating length of 48 feet.

You need to order the motors separately, as they aren’t part of the electric night blind units. When you are ordering your motor blinds, kindly note the number of connecting blinds and drive units you require.

By using advanced night cover unit, you can keep your products fresh for a long duration. Meats, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables won’t change color or taste after reacting with the UV radiation and light from the store. Your customers will be more satisfied and you can expect more footfalls in your store.

We have installed these units in myriad supermarkets and stores across the country. Learn more about this electrically operated blind from here:

Are night covers for dairy display cases affordable?

Yes, if you are buying a night cover for dairy display case, you can expect it to be in budget. What’s more important is whether it is if it is value for money or not.  You might find an extremely cheap product, but it might become useless after a few months. Buy a product that’s long-lasting, so that you get value for money. Plus, it should come with a warranty from the maker.

For example, the night cover from Econofrost lasts for up to ten years. This is indeed a good investment for different businesses.

Now that we are discussing the affordability, let’s also shed some light on how it helps the retailers in saving money. With this product, the users can save a lot of electrical energy. This is applicable for cafeterias, convenience stores, grocery stores, food-services and all other business that use open refrigerated equipment.

It is possible for these businesses to save up to 37-50 percent of energy every hour by using these night covers. Apart from keeping refrigerated cases cooler even during non-business hours, these cases also hold perishable products at stable low temperatures for up to 15 hours. This much time is sufficient to cover hours of operations of a typical store.

A business also saves money by reducing maintenance on refrigeration equipment and heating costs related to their grocery stores.

Supermarkets, specifically, are able to reduce cost of maintaining commercial refrigeration systems and compressors. Such equipment starts operating more efficiently.

Those who sell fresh fruits, veggies, dairy products, and meat can extend the shelf life of their products. This becomes possible because night covers form a protective layer that prevents light and heat from entering the refrigeration systems. It also ensures stable and colder environment, which the perishable items require. As a result, there is minimum spoilage of food products.

All these advantages translate into increased bottom line of the businesses. No wonder the demand of such products has increased so much in the last few years.

As discussed above, you can rely choose Econofrost’s night cover if you are searching one for your dairy display case.

For more details, you can visit their official website:

How Electrically Operated Thermal Blinds Benefit the Retailers

If you are a retailer, you must be aware of the importance of the night covers/thermal blinds for the refrigerator cases. From keeping the food items fresh to saving utility bills, there are beneficial in several ways. You can go a step further and buy an electric-motor driven night cover.

An electrically operated blind is suitable for service openings in cold room storage areas, meat prep rooms, and refrigerated display cases.

You can automatically close and open electric covers whenever required. By “electrical unit,” we mean that you can connect your thermal blind unit to a motor. With a single motor, it is possible to operate thermal shielding of up to 49 feet.

Econofrost—the makers of electric motor driven night covers – provides special interconnecting parts with each unit to align the blinds.

Many users ask if it is possible to interchange manual and electrical night cover units. As each cover type comes with a unique set of tubing and components, it isn’t possible.

Now, let’s understand how different businesses can benefit from this unit.

Low cost of ownership

As the night cover lasts for around ten years, the retailers enjoy product and energy savings of up to thousands of dollars. Many retail chain customers have already enjoyed millions of dollars of savings.

Shelf-life extension

Refrigerated products discolor and decay prematurely due to UV radiation. The issue becomes more prevalent during closed hours. With an insulating cover, you can keep your merchandise protected from heat and light.

Shopper Access

With a case, the cover is used in your store, you can be sure that your customers can access the merchandise without any restriction.

The electrical motor blinds find its application in delis, meat stores, beverage cases, dairy product cases, etc. The customers of the Econofrost night covers include independent store owners, renowned retail chains, foodservice operators, and even hospitals & schools.

Electric motor units are suitable when you need a night cover that can be operated at the flick of a switch. The motor, specially designed for the night cover, finds inside the night cover unit’s tube.

We have provided a step-by-step guide on how to install a motor blind. 

And to know more about the motor-driven blind, visit this link:

Efficiency and other benefits of meat display cases

Food products, especially meat and produce, get perished quickly. The suppliers and sellers of these items need proper storage containers to keep them fresh. This is where refrigerators and display cases appear in the picture. Perhaps you already have one at your store if you are in the food business. Many businesses go a step further and buy night covers for their meat display cases.

If you are just entering the food business and don’t know why to have a meat display case, this blog will help you. We have listed all the significant benefits below.

Keeps meat fresh

The display cases used in delis keep the meat fresh by maintaining a particular temperature. This temperature ensures the flavour and appearance do not change after some time. More often than not, the store’s heat and UV radiations still cause changes in the flavour. This is why deli owners put a night cover over the display case.

Enhances the interiors of your store/deli

A well-designed display case matches the interior of your deli perfectly. If you correctly place the meat and other side items, you can further enhance its looks. This way, you can attract social media savvy customers to your place. People won’t mind clicking your place’s pictures and posting it on one of the social media platforms. Doing so captures the attention of your existing and potential customers. Gradually, your customer base will increase.

Better Inventory management

One of the challenges of deli/store owners is to keep a track of the products in the shop. If something in demand gets finished, you will lose a lot of sales. It also leaves a poor impression among your customers. To avoid such situation, have a good quality meat display case at your store.

Better display for the customers

It is difficult for the customers to select a product if they can’t see how it looks. Many customers prefer to see the texture and color of the meat before buying it. A meat display case makes it possible. By adding the tags with information like name, best before, weight, etc, you can make it easier for the customers to decide.

If you want to increase the shelf life of meat and improve the display case’s efficiency, use a night cover from Econofrost.

Get more details from here:

Call the team today in case of a query 1.800.519.1222.

Commercial Thermal Curtains – Keep your Goods Safe and Fresh

Many retailers feel that the inefficiency of refrigeration equipment reduces profit margin and surges operational costs. For them, products like commercial thermal curtains appear as a reliable solution.

Such curtains deflect ambient light and heat away from the display or refrigerated cases. This enables the proper circulation of the cold air.

To move the warm air that enters the case, an open refrigeration system has to expel more energy. The purpose is to cool the air that circulates throughout the case. As a result, the utility bills increase.

By preventing the warm air from entering the case, the night covers ensure only cool air circulates. As a result, utility bills grocery stores and supermarkets become more manageable.

That’s not the only advantage of a commercial night cover. They maintain the nutritional integrity of the beverages and food items. Several retail consumers complain of off-flavorings of their milk. We bet you don’t want that to happen.

The products Fats and creams tend to spoil if exposed to light and heat for a long time.  This is why the sellers of dairy items ensure the optimal temperature is maintained. Rather than spending on costly equipment—switch to a protective shield.

Talking about produce displays, refrigerated air fails to protect the produce from heat and UV rays. Thousands of dollars are lost every year due to the spoilage of fruits and veggies. The issue becomes prominent when the demand is erratic. The sellers of fresh end up buying more, resulting in spoilage. If you are facing such challenges, consider using a case cover. Having such a protective layer ensures the vegetables and fruits retain their appearance and freshness. All this translates into elevated sales and negligible losses.

Even the suppliers of meat and meat products face similar issues. The pigmentation and surface texture of the meat changes due to photochemical reactions caused by heat and UV. Again, a case cover appears as a savior.

Now that we listed the benefits and applications of commercial night cover let’s shed some light on the best option. With over 300k OEM and retrofit installations across the globe, Econofrost is the most trusted name in the world of night covers. You can also get an electric motor-driven night cover that you can wire into your store’s energy management system.

For specifications and detailed benefits, visit the official website:

How Night Covers increase the efficiency of Refrigerated Floral Cases

If you are in the floral business, you might be aware of how vital the right refrigerator can be. For starters, they keep flowers fresh for longer. You can’t rely on a regular display refrigerator for this purpose. There are special cases that offer high humidity, along with gentle airflow, something vital to keep your bouquets beautiful and fresh. Another important aspect is choosing a cooler that maintains the ideal temperature to keep flowers fresh (33-35 degrees Fahrenheit).

The refrigerated flowers—especially designed for floral display—ensure you don’t lose flowers due to bacterial infections, dehydration, and stem wilt.

You can go a step further by buying a night cover for your refrigerated floral cases. An easy-to-use night blind keeps the sensitive arrangements of your bouquets fresh even during night time.

Even in the display cases, the flowers may wither and fall off. This happens due to heat and UV radiation. As a result, bouquets become unappealing and lifeless. We bet you don’t this to happen in your store. That’s why we suggest you buy a night cover—a shield that protects the display cases from infiltrating radiation and heat. The shelf life of your fresh cut flowers will increase, ultimately.

The reduction in wastage means your bottom line will increase. Not just that, you will also get more satisfied customers.

Having fresh flowers creates a positive aura. If some of the flowers mature early and wither, the overall atmosphere will look somewhat unpleasant. People don’t like to shop at such stores. If you are a retail store that also sells flowers, this factor becomes more crucial.

Many retailers use night covers to protect edible products and fresh produce in their stores.

You must be wondering: Which is the perfect night cover for your refrigerated floral case? Well, you can trust the night covers by Econofrost.

This Canada-based company is the trailblazer when it comes to night covers for floral display cases. The products by this maker of night cover also help in improving the efficiency of refrigerators. For a myriad of stores, this product is a way to reduce their operating cost and conserve energy.

Know more about this product for your refrigerated floral case from here:

Call this toll-free number for your queries: 1-800-519-1222 (North America).

You can also share your queries via email:

How to choose the dairy display case for your store

There are several advantages of having the right display cases. For starters, they allow the retailers to advertise without extra efforts or additional budget. A well-kept case with aesthetically appealing items creates a sophisticated atmosphere. No need to spend thousands of dollars on interiors. Last but not least, a case protects your edibles from getting spoiled–especially dairy items.

Not every display case is right for your retail store. When you plan to buy a dairy display case, keep certain factors in mind. We have discussed those essential factors below.

The type of products you will store

For frozen items, go with the cabinet that can be set at a negative temperature. And dairy products, fruits, veggies, beverages, and cakes can be stored in a cabinet with a positive temperature. Some makers specifically design the structure that suits a particular type of product. For example, you will find dairy display cases that keep your dairy items safe and fresh.

Closed or open case

Many retail stores opt for open cases, as it allows the customers to select the items easily. The closed cabinets can be irritating sometimes. That said, open display cases consume more energy. If you are choosing an open model, go for the one with an air curtain. It is also beneficial to buy a refrigerated case night cover to reduce energy consumption.

Type of cold it produces

There are two types of cold that a cabinet produces. The static cold is the first type, which keeps the food from drying out. Such type of cold blocks temperature’s homogeneous distributions throughout the case. The pastry shops and medium-sized butchers mainly use it. Conversely, the cases with the ventilated cold dry out the products stored in it. But, you can expect a better cold distribution. You will hardly notice fogging on the window of these cabinets.

The maker of the cabinet case

Is the manufacturer of the cabinet case in this business for years? Is the company offering any warranty? How good is their customer support? Purchase your cabinet case only after getting an answer to all these questions. This way, you can be sure that you have chosen the best dairy display case.

We hope you will find the best dairy display case by keeping all these factors in mind. If you are searching for night covers for your dairy display case, trust Econofrost.

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